Educational Travel Adventures
We are a Costa Rican family organisation that specializes in educational travel focussed on nature, culture, outdoors adventures and community inmersion programs for organized groups. This personalized service created by Costa Ricans includes trips through participatory approaches where ludic, recreational and touristic activities add educational meanings through thematic areas. The methodology includes "learning by doing" and “hands on” techniques applying environmental interpretation and personal reflection on significant experiences. All the different experiences mentioned ahead can be combined into a taylor made travel experience.
Travel Projects

Academic led trips
Specialized subjects with a specific methodology through formal and non formal techniques approaches based on educational objetives defined by proffesors or group leaders, including seminars and workshops.
Taylor made nature and cultural journeys experiences including experiences and visits to diverse escenaries. Travelling around allows observation of specific subjets in its natural state be the base to reflection and learning.
An experimental process of being with the local people while living at homestays and interacting with local organisations to raise awareness of the local realities. Thematic Spanish language workshops on different levels can be included.
Support for projects decided by community organisations and NGOs on different topics that improves the quality of life and the inclusion of vulnerable populations in communities. We also support the environmental conservation programs such as wild life rescue centers, turtle conservation or reforestation.
This journeys are addressed to provide nature lovers: fauna and flora experiences on diverse kind of forests such as; mangroves, wetlands, drylands, rain and humid forest, including the highlands getting to visit the paramo.
Journeys addressed to adventurers, explorers that thrive when are outdoors surrounded by exotic nature and culture. Wildlife, cultural habits, water and cords based attractions are resources that lead the learning adventure on subjects such as personal challenging and team building.
Journeys based on local encounters getting to know how they deal with everyday’s life will allow the visitor to obtain a closer experience of Costa Rica. We set up itineraries with rural communties, stays at their lodges or homes and include participation on culture, farming, adventure and nature activities.
For those families that are interested on a tailor made experience, we set up itineraries including ecotourism, adventure, beach and rural communities encounters while dancing, cooking, playing sports and traditional games are options. This way of travel can also be organised for interested groups.
Travel Thematic Areas

Tropical Biology and ecology

Environment and conservation

Farming systems

Forms of tourism

Sustainable development

Community participation

Local culture

Vulnerable populations

Arts & Crafts

Botanical Gardens

Local Gastronomy
Philoshophy of Sustainability
We expect from our guests their affinity with our commitment to respect natural resources and local communities. Our educational objectives involve visitors and local people. They are addressed to raise awareness towards the environment, promote an understanding of cultures and to encourage the personal change that benefits the environment and societies.
To meet learning needs and cross-cultural understanding while contributing to local communities and environmental projects.
To establish a quality education programme by leading proponents of the harmonious relationship between people and the environment.